When it comes to food, I am NOT a finicky eater. I eat everything from chicken to beef, guacamole to ice cream, and even onions, sunny-side-up eggs and spaghetti. By the way, doggies love pasta, especially spaghetti. So the entire spaghetti and meatball dinner scene in the movie Lady and the Tramp is all true! I think that movie was based on a true story.
But, of course, we dogs can't eat human food all the time because sometimes it hurts our tummies. Now, I know there are a lot of dog foods and dog treats out there but there are only two that I really like. My favorite treat of all time is Purina's Beggin' Bacon Strips. Actually, this is what I eat all the time. Since I'm so small, I only need two strips and that satisfies me for the day. I also really like doggie treats from Trader Joe's. Of course, if I had my way, I would eat chicken every day. One thing you must keep in mind when feeding dogs is that a 28 to 30% protein to 12% fat ratio is optimal. That's why I stay in shape, although in the winter time I do tend to put on a pound or two.
Well, it's time for me to say goodbye. I hope you liked my blog. Please leave comments and maybe next time I will try to make a doggie treat recipe and post it here. So let me leave you with my Halloween picture (I am dressed as Princess Leah from Star Wars) and some words of wisdom:
You have way too much time on your hands. OMG!!