Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Grilled Jack Daniels Steaks

Not too long ago, my husband found a Jack Daniels®EZ-Marinader bag in the grocery store and we wanted to give it a try. Usually, we prefer to give our steaks a dry rub then grill it, then slather it with BBQ Sauce, so this EZ-Marinade was new to us. The bag is sturdy and it has a zip-loc type of seal. The marinade is already inside. All you have to do is place your meat in the bag, close it and let it marinate. Check the EZ-Marinader website here.

  • 2 Steaks (T-Bone or Sirloin)
  • 1 Jack Daniels® EZ Marinader® bag
Place the steaks inside the EZ Marinader bag. Let it marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes, preferably 2 hours.

When ready to grill, turn on your grill to high. Make sure the grates are clean. Oil the grates with a paper towel or cloth. When the grill gets to 350 degrees, lower down to medium-high.
Remove steaks from the bag and place them for direct grilling. If they are thick steaks (3/4 to 1") grill for 10 minutes on one side and 8 on the other for medium-rare. Grill longer for well-done steaks. As you can see, the steaks come out juicy and slathered with the Jack Daniels Sauce. Serve with a baked potato or your favorite side dish.

And enjoy the steak...my sister sure did!!!

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